Manel Anoro

File of Eugenia Anoro

15 questions to get to know Anoro better

Hace unos dĂ­as entrevistamos a Manel Anoro para conocer mejor sus pensamientos, dĂłnde nace y crece su inspiraciĂłn, quĂ© deberĂ­a ser para Ă©l un artista y quĂ© es en realidad hoy en dĂ­a, cĂłmo imagina el mundo en blanco y negro gracias a Willy Wilder…

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New paintings created in Menorca

New artwork that Manel Anoro painted during his stay last summer in Menorca

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“Nowadays I prefer to paint in peaceful places“

“The only thing that I look for when I’m painting is that I don’t want to be disturbed. When I’m painting and someone asks me something, I tend to be fairly unfriendly.” –Manel Anoro–

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Sensual and intelligent women

The universe of Manel Anoro: paintings that exalt the female character as a sensual and intelligent figure, as we can see them reading in many of his paintings.

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A trip around Catalonia

Manel Anoro is a painte that was born in Catalonia, a place that has seen him grow. Girona, Cadaques, FoixĂ  or Priorat are some of the places that are part of him and his paintings.

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“To paint is a very lonely process”

“The painter’s a man that spends many time alone so in the end, the only opinion you must trust is your own opinion…” (Manel Anoro)

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Anoro’s refuge in Menorca

On Summer’s arrival, Manel Anoro packs his bags and travels to Menorca, an amazing island that inspires his new artwork.

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Anoro’s feminine sensuality is back

Once again, the Catalan painter new collection focuses on female nudes, all of them painted in his studio in Girona during the Spring of 2013 and 2014.

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New exhibition at Campton Gallery, New York

Manel Anoro presents from 08 to 22 May his latest works at the Campton Gallery, New York

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